Source code for veros.diagnostics.tracer_monitor

from loguru import logger

from .diagnostic import VerosDiagnostic
from .. import veros_method
from ..distributed import global_sum

[docs]class TracerMonitor(VerosDiagnostic): """Diagnostic monitoring global tracer contents / fluxes. Writes output to stdout (no binary output). """ name = 'tracer_monitor' #: output_frequency = None #: Frequency (in seconds) in which output is written. #: internal attributes to write to restart file restart_attributes = ('tempm1', 'vtemp1', 'saltm1', 'vsalt1') def initialize(self, vs): self.tempm1 = 0. self.vtemp1 = 0. self.saltm1 = 0. self.vsalt1 = 0. def diagnose(self, vs): pass @veros_method def output(self, vs): """ Diagnose tracer content """ cell_volume = vs.area_t[2:-2, 2:-2, np.newaxis] * vs.dzt[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] \ * vs.maskT[2:-2, 2:-2, :] volm = global_sum(vs, np.sum(cell_volume)) tempm = global_sum(vs, np.sum(cell_volume * vs.temp[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau])) saltm = global_sum(vs, np.sum(cell_volume * vs.salt[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau])) vtemp = global_sum(vs, np.sum(cell_volume * vs.temp[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau]**2)) vsalt = global_sum(vs, np.sum(cell_volume * vs.salt[2:-2, 2:-2, :, vs.tau]**2)) logger.diagnostic(' Mean temperature {} change to last {}' .format(float(tempm / volm), float((tempm - self.tempm1) / volm))) logger.diagnostic(' Mean salinity {} change to last {}' .format(float(saltm / volm), float((saltm - self.saltm1) / volm))) logger.diagnostic(' Temperature var. {} change to last {}' .format(float(vtemp / volm), float((vtemp - self.vtemp1) / volm))) logger.diagnostic(' Salinity var. {} change to last {}' .format(float(vsalt / volm), float((vsalt - self.vsalt1) / volm))) self.tempm1 = tempm self.vtemp1 = vtemp self.saltm1 = saltm self.vsalt1 = vsalt def read_restart(self, vs, infile): attributes, variables = self.read_h5_restart(vs, {}, infile) for attr in self.restart_attributes: setattr(self, attr, attributes[attr]) def write_restart(self, vs, outfile): attributes = {key: getattr(self, key) for key in self.restart_attributes} self.write_h5_restart(vs, attributes, {}, {}, outfile)