

  • Häfner, D., Jacobsen, R. L., Eden, C., Kristensen, M. R. B., Jochum, M., Nuterman, R., and Vinter, B.: Veros v0.1 – a fast and versatile ocean simulator in pure Python, Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 3299-3312,, 2018.


  • Veros — A High-Performance Ocean Simulator Written in Pure Python. A talk held at the 98th Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society (AMS). Abstract and slides available.

  • A Fast Versatile Ocean Simulator (Veros) in Pure Python. A talk held at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria. Abstract


  • Laurits S. Andreasen. (2019). Time scales of the Bipolar seesaw: The role of oceanic cross-hemisphere signals, Southern Ocean eddies and wind changes, MSc Thesis, 42p. Link to PDF.

  • Steffen Ole Randrup Kristensen. (2019). Extending the Veros climate simulator with biochemistry. Model design and AMOC collapse, MSc Thesis, 67p. Link to PDF.