Source code for

import functools
import sys
import time

import click

from veros.settings import SETTINGS

BACKENDS = ['numpy', 'bohrium']
LOGLEVELS = ['trace', 'debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical']

class VerosSetting(click.ParamType):
    name = 'setting'
    current_key = None

    def convert(self, value, param, ctx):
        assert param.nargs == 2

        if self.current_key is None:
            if value not in SETTINGS:
      'Unknown setting %s' % value)
            self.current_key = value
            return value

        assert self.current_key in SETTINGS
        setting = SETTINGS[self.current_key]
        self.current_key = None

        if setting.type is bool:
            return click.BOOL(value)

        return setting.type(value)

[docs]def cli(run): """Decorator that wraps the decorated function with the Veros setup command line interface. Example: >>> >>> def run_setup(override): ... sim = MyVerosSetup(override=override) ... ... >>> if __name__ == '__main__': ... run_setup() This script then automatically supports settings to be specified from the command line:: $ python --help Usage: [OPTIONS] Options: -b, --backend [numpy|bohrium] Backend to use for computations (default: numpy) -v, --loglevel [trace|debug|info|warning|error|critical] Log level used for output (default: info) -s, --override SETTING VALUE Override default setting, may be specified multiple times -p, --profile-mode Write a performance profile for debugging (default: false) -n, --num-proc INTEGER... Number of processes in x and y dimension (requires execution via mpirun) --help Show this message and exit. """ @click.command('veros-run') @click.option('-b', '--backend', default='numpy', type=click.Choice(BACKENDS), help='Backend to use for computations (default: numpy)', envvar='VEROS_BACKEND') @click.option('-v', '--loglevel', default='info', type=click.Choice(LOGLEVELS), help='Log level used for output (default: info)', envvar='VEROS_LOGLEVEL') @click.option('-s', '--override', nargs=2, multiple=True, metavar='SETTING VALUE', type=VerosSetting(), default=tuple(), help='Override default setting, may be specified multiple times') @click.option('-p', '--profile-mode', is_flag=True, default=False, type=click.BOOL, envvar='VEROS_PROFILE', help='Write a performance profile for debugging (default: false)') @click.option('-n', '--num-proc', nargs=2, default=[1, 1], type=click.INT, help='Number of processes in x and y dimension') @click.option('--slave', default=False, is_flag=True, hidden=True, help='Indicates that this process is an MPI worker (for internal use)') @functools.wraps(run) def wrapped(*args, slave, **kwargs): from veros import runtime_settings, runtime_state total_proc = kwargs['num_proc'][0] * kwargs['num_proc'][1] if total_proc > 1 and runtime_state.proc_num == 1 and not slave: from mpi4py import MPI comm = MPI.COMM_SELF.Spawn( sys.executable, args=['-m', 'mpi4py'] + list(sys.argv) + ['--slave'], maxprocs=total_proc ) futures = [comm.irecv(source=p) for p in range(total_proc)] while True: done, success = zip(*(f.test() for f in futures)) if any(s is False for s in success): raise RuntimeError('An MPI worker encountered an error') if all(done): break time.sleep(0.1) return kwargs['override'] = dict(kwargs['override']) for setting in ('backend', 'profile_mode', 'num_proc', 'loglevel'): setattr(runtime_settings, setting, kwargs.pop(setting)) try: run(*args, **kwargs) except: # noqa: E722 status = False raise else: status = True finally: if slave: runtime_settings.mpi_comm.Get_parent().send(status, dest=0) return wrapped