Source code for veros.setups.acc_sector.acc_sector

from veros import VerosSetup, veros_routine
from veros.variables import allocate, Variable
from veros.distributed import global_min, global_max
from veros.core.operators import numpy as npx, update, at

[docs]class ACCSectorSetup(VerosSetup): """A model using spherical coordinates with a partially closed domain representing the narrow sector of Atlantic and ACC. The bathymetry of the model is idealized to a flat-bottom (with depth of 4000 m) over the majority of the domain, except a half depth appended within the confines of the circumpolar channel at the inflow and outflow regions. The horizontal grid has resolution of :math:`2 \\times 2` degrees, and the vertical one has 40 levels. Wind forcing over the sector part and buoyancy relaxation drive a large-scale meridional overturning circulation. This setup demonstrates: - setting up an idealized geometry after `(Munday et al., 2013) <>`_. - modifing surface forcings over selected regions of the domain - sensitivity of circumpolar transport and meridional overturning to changes in Southern Ocean wind stress and buoyancy anomalies - basic usage of diagnostics :doc:`Adapted from ACC channel model </reference/setups/acc>`. Reference: Laurits S. Andreasen. (2019). Time scales of the Bipolar seesaw: The role of oceanic cross-hemisphere signals, Southern Ocean eddies and wind changes, MSc Thesis, 42p. `<>`_. """ max_depth = 4000.0 @veros_routine def set_parameter(self, state): settings = state.settings settings.identifier = "acc_sector" settings.nx, settings.ny, = 15, 62, 40 settings.dt_mom = 3600.0 settings.dt_tracer = 3600.0 settings.runlen = 86400 * 365 settings.x_origin = 0.0 settings.y_origin = -60.0 settings.coord_degree = True settings.enable_cyclic_x = True settings.enable_neutral_diffusion = True settings.K_iso_0 = 1000.0 settings.K_iso_steep = 500.0 settings.iso_dslope = 0.005 settings.iso_slopec = 0.01 settings.enable_skew_diffusion = True settings.enable_hor_friction = True settings.A_h = 5e4 * 2 settings.enable_hor_friction_cos_scaling = True settings.hor_friction_cosPower = 1 settings.enable_bottom_friction = True settings.r_bot = 1e-5 settings.enable_implicit_vert_friction = True settings.enable_tke = True settings.c_k = 0.1 settings.c_eps = 0.7 settings.alpha_tke = 30.0 settings.mxl_min = 1e-8 settings.tke_mxl_choice = 2 settings.kappaM_min = 2e-4 settings.kappaH_min = 2e-5 settings.enable_Prandtl_tke = False settings.enable_kappaH_profile = True settings.K_gm_0 = 1300.0 settings.enable_eke = False settings.eke_k_max = 1e4 settings.eke_c_k = 0.4 settings.eke_c_eps = 0.5 settings.eke_cross = 2.0 settings.eke_crhin = 1.0 settings.eke_lmin = 100.0 settings.enable_eke_superbee_advection = False settings.enable_eke_isopycnal_diffusion = False settings.enable_idemix = False settings.enable_idemix_hor_diffusion = False settings.enable_eke_diss_surfbot = False settings.eke_diss_surfbot_frac = 0.2 settings.enable_idemix_superbee_advection = False settings.eq_of_state_type = 3 var_meta = state.var_meta var_meta.update( t_star=Variable("t_star", ("yt",), "deg C", "Reference surface temperature"), t_rest=Variable("t_rest", ("xt", "yt"), "1/s", "Surface temperature restoring time scale"), ) @veros_routine def set_grid(self, state): vs = state.variables settings = state.settings # keep total domain size constant when nx or ny changes vs.dxt = update(vs.dxt, at[...], 2.0 * 15 / settings.nx) vs.dyt = update(vs.dyt, at[...], 2.0 * 62 / settings.ny) vs.dzt =, self.max_depth, 10.0, refine_towards="lower") @veros_routine def set_coriolis(self, state): vs = state.variables settings = state.settings vs.coriolis_t = update( vs.coriolis_t, at[:, :], 2 * * npx.sin([None, :] / 180.0 * settings.pi) ) @veros_routine def set_topography(self, state): vs = state.variables x, y = npx.meshgrid(vs.xt,, indexing="ij") vs.kbot = npx.logical_or((x > 1.0) & (x < 27), y < -40).astype("int") # A half depth (ridge) is appended to the domain within the confines # of the circumpolar channel at the inflow and outflow regions bathymetry = npx.logical_or(((x <= 1.0) & (y < -40)), ((x >= 27) & (y < -40))) kzt2000 = npx.sum((vs.zt < -2000.0).astype("int")) vs.kbot = npx.where(bathymetry, kzt2000, vs.kbot) @veros_routine def set_initial_conditions(self, state): vs = state.variables settings = state.settings # initial conditions vs.temp = update(vs.temp, at[...], ((1 - vs.zt[None, None, :] /[0]) * 15 * vs.maskT)[..., None]) vs.salt = update(vs.salt, at[...], 35.0 * vs.maskT[..., None]) # wind stress forcing yt_min = global_min( yu_min = global_min(vs.yu.min()) yt_max = global_max( yu_max = global_max(vs.yu.max()) taux = allocate(state.dimensions, ("yt",)) north = > 30 subequatorial_north_n = ( >= 15) & ( < 30) subequatorial_north_s = ( > 0) & ( < 15) equator = ( > -5) & ( < 5) subequatorial_south_n = ( > -15) & ( < 0) subequatorial_south_s = ( <= -15) & ( > -30) south = < -30 taux = npx.where(north, -5e-2 * npx.sin(settings.pi * (vs.yu - yu_max) / (yt_max - 30.0)), taux) taux = npx.where(subequatorial_north_s, 5e-2 * npx.sin(settings.pi * (vs.yu - 30.0) / 30.0), taux) taux = npx.where(subequatorial_north_n, 5e-2 * npx.sin(settings.pi * ( - 30.0) / 30.0), taux) taux = npx.where(subequatorial_south_n, -5e-2 * npx.sin(settings.pi * (vs.yu - 30.0) / 30.0), taux) taux = npx.where(subequatorial_south_s, -5e-2 * npx.sin(settings.pi * ( - 30.0) / 30.0), taux) taux = npx.where(equator, -1.5e-2 * npx.cos(settings.pi * (vs.yu - 10.0) / 10.0) - 2.5e-2, taux) taux = npx.where(south, 15e-2 * npx.sin(settings.pi * (vs.yu - yu_min) / (-30.0 - yt_min)), taux) vs.surface_taux = taux * vs.maskU[:, :, -1] # surface heatflux forcing delta_t, ts, tn = 25.0, 0.0, 5.0 vs.t_star = allocate(state.dimensions, ("yt",), fill=delta_t) vs.t_star = npx.where( < 0, ts + delta_t * npx.sin(settings.pi * ( + 60.0) / npx.abs(2 * settings.y_origin)), vs.t_star ) vs.t_star = npx.where( > 0, tn + (delta_t + ts - tn) * npx.sin(settings.pi * ( + 60.0) / npx.abs(2 * settings.y_origin)), vs.t_star, ) vs.t_rest = vs.dzt[-1] / (10.0 * 86400.0) * vs.maskT[:, :, -1] if settings.enable_tke: vs.forc_tke_surface = update( vs.forc_tke_surface, at[2:-2, 2:-2], npx.sqrt( (0.5 * (vs.surface_taux[2:-2, 2:-2] + vs.surface_taux[1:-3, 2:-2]) / settings.rho_0) ** 2 + (0.5 * (vs.surface_tauy[2:-2, 2:-2] + vs.surface_tauy[2:-2, 1:-3]) / settings.rho_0) ** 2 ) ** (1.5), ) if settings.enable_idemix: vs.forc_iw_bottom = 1e-6 * vs.maskW[:, :, -1] vs.forc_iw_surface = 1e-7 * vs.maskW[:, :, -1] @veros_routine def set_forcing(self, state): vs = state.variables vs.forc_temp_surface = vs.t_rest * (vs.t_star - vs.temp[:, :, -1, vs.tau]) @veros_routine def set_diagnostics(self, state): settings = state.settings state.diagnostics["snapshot"].output_frequency = 86400 * 10 state.diagnostics["averages"].output_variables = ( "salt", "temp", "u", "v", "w", "psi", "rho", "surface_taux", "surface_tauy", ) state.diagnostics["averages"].output_frequency = 365 * 86400.0 state.diagnostics["averages"].sampling_frequency = settings.dt_tracer * 10 state.diagnostics["overturning"].output_frequency = 365 * 86400.0 / 48.0 state.diagnostics["overturning"].sampling_frequency = settings.dt_tracer * 10 state.diagnostics["tracer_monitor"].output_frequency = 365 * 86400.0 / 12.0 state.diagnostics["energy"].output_frequency = 365 * 86400.0 / 48 state.diagnostics["energy"].sampling_frequency = settings.dt_tracer * 10 @veros_routine def after_timestep(self, state): pass