Source code for veros.variables

from veros import runtime_settings

[docs]class Variable: def __init__( self, name, dims, units="", long_description="", dtype=None, time_dependent=True, scale=1.0, write_to_restart=False, extra_attributes=None, mask=None, active=True, initial=None, ): = name self.dims = dims self.units = units self.long_description = long_description self.dtype = dtype self.time_dependent = time_dependent self.scale = scale self.write_to_restart = write_to_restart = active self.initial = initial self.get_mask = lambda settings, vs: None if mask is not None: if not callable(mask): raise TypeError("mask argument has to be callable") self.get_mask = mask elif dims is not None: if dims[:3] in DEFAULT_MASKS: self.get_mask = DEFAULT_MASKS[dims[:3]] elif dims[:2] in DEFAULT_MASKS: self.get_mask = DEFAULT_MASKS[dims[:2]] #: Additional attributes to be written in netCDF output self.extra_attributes = extra_attributes or {} def __repr__(self): attr_str = [] for v in vars(self): attr_str.append(f"{v}={getattr(self, v)}") attr_str = ", ".join(attr_str) return f"{self.__class__.__qualname__}({attr_str})"
# fill value for netCDF output (invalid floating data is replaced by this value) FLOAT_FILL_VALUE = -1e18 # XT = ("xt",) XU = ("xu",) YT = ("yt",) YU = ("yu",) ZT = ("zt",) ZW = ("zw",) T_HOR = ("xt", "yt") U_HOR = ("xu", "yt") V_HOR = ("xt", "yu") ZETA_HOR = ("xu", "yu") T_GRID = ("xt", "yt", "zt") U_GRID = ("xu", "yt", "zt") V_GRID = ("xt", "yu", "zt") W_GRID = ("xt", "yt", "zw") ZETA_GRID = ("xu", "yu", "zt") TIMESTEPS = ("timesteps",) ISLE = ("isle",) TENSOR_COMP = ("tensor1", "tensor2") # those are written to netCDF output by default BASE_DIMENSIONS = XT + XU + YT + YU + ZT + ZW + ISLE GHOST_DIMENSIONS = ("xt", "yt", "xu", "yu") # these are the settings that are getting used to determine shapes DIM_TO_SHAPE_VAR = { "xt": "nx", "xu": "nx", "yt": "ny", "yu": "ny", "zt": "nz", "zw": "nz", "timesteps": 3, "tensor1": 2, "tensor2": 2, "isle": 0, } DEFAULT_MASKS = { T_HOR: lambda settings, vs: vs.maskT[:, :, -1], U_HOR: lambda settings, vs: vs.maskU[:, :, -1], V_HOR: lambda settings, vs: vs.maskV[:, :, -1], ZETA_HOR: lambda settings, vs: vs.maskZ[:, :, -1], T_GRID: lambda settings, vs: vs.maskT, U_GRID: lambda settings, vs: vs.maskU, V_GRID: lambda settings, vs: vs.maskV, W_GRID: lambda settings, vs: vs.maskW, ZETA_GRID: lambda settings, vs: vs.maskZ, } # custom mask for streamfunction def _get_psi_mask(settings, vs): if not settings.enable_streamfunction: return vs.maskT[:, :, -1] # eroded around the edges return vs.maskZ[:, :, -1] | ~vs.isle_boundary_mask def get_fill_value(dtype): import numpy as onp if onp.issubdtype(dtype, onp.floating): return FLOAT_FILL_VALUE return onp.iinfo(dtype).max def get_shape(dimensions, grid, include_ghosts=True, local=True): from veros.routines import CURRENT_CONTEXT from veros.distributed import SCATTERED_DIMENSIONS if grid is None: return () px, py = runtime_settings.num_proc grid_shapes = dict(dimensions) if local and CURRENT_CONTEXT.is_dist_safe: for pxi, dims in zip((px, py), SCATTERED_DIMENSIONS): for dim in dims: if dim not in grid_shapes: continue grid_shapes[dim] = grid_shapes[dim] // pxi if include_ghosts: for d in GHOST_DIMENSIONS: if d in grid_shapes: grid_shapes[d] += 4 shape = [] for grid_dim in grid: if isinstance(grid_dim, int): shape.append(grid_dim) continue if grid_dim not in grid_shapes: raise ValueError(f"unrecognized dimension {grid_dim}") shape.append(grid_shapes[grid_dim]) return tuple(shape) def remove_ghosts(array, dims): if dims is None: # scalar return array ghost_mask = tuple(slice(2, -2) if dim in GHOST_DIMENSIONS else slice(None) for dim in dims) return array[ghost_mask] VARIABLES = { # scalars "tau": Variable( "Index of current time step", None, "", "Index of current time step", dtype="int32", initial=1, write_to_restart=True, ), "taup1": Variable( "Index of next time step", None, "", "Index of next time step", dtype="int32", initial=2, write_to_restart=True ), "taum1": Variable( "Index of last time step", None, "", "Index of last time step", dtype="int32", initial=0, write_to_restart=True ), "time": Variable( "Current time", None, "", "Current time", write_to_restart=True, ), "itt": Variable("Current iteration", None, "", "Current iteration", dtype="int32", initial=0), # base variables "dxt": Variable("Zonal T-grid spacing", XT, "m", "Zonal (x) spacing of T-grid point", time_dependent=False), "dxu": Variable("Zonal U-grid spacing", XU, "m", "Zonal (x) spacing of U-grid point", time_dependent=False), "dyt": Variable( "Meridional T-grid spacing", YT, "m", "Meridional (y) spacing of T-grid point", time_dependent=False ), "dyu": Variable( "Meridional U-grid spacing", YU, "m", "Meridional (y) spacing of U-grid point", time_dependent=False ), "zt": Variable( "Vertical coordinate (T)", ZT, "m", "Vertical coordinate", time_dependent=False, extra_attributes={"positive": "up"}, ), "zw": Variable( "Vertical coordinate (W)", ZW, "m", "Vertical coordinate", time_dependent=False, extra_attributes={"positive": "up"}, ), "dzt": Variable("Vertical spacing (T)", ZT, "m", "Vertical spacing", time_dependent=False), "dzw": Variable("Vertical spacing (W)", ZW, "m", "Vertical spacing", time_dependent=False), "cost": Variable("Metric factor (T)", YT, "1", "Metric factor for spherical coordinates", time_dependent=False), "cosu": Variable("Metric factor (U)", YU, "1", "Metric factor for spherical coordinates", time_dependent=False), "tantr": Variable("Metric factor", YT, "1", "Metric factor for spherical coordinates", time_dependent=False), "coriolis_t": Variable( "Coriolis frequency", T_HOR, "1/s", "Coriolis frequency at T grid point", time_dependent=False ), "kbot": Variable( "Index of deepest cell", T_HOR, "", "Index of the deepest grid cell (counting from 1, 0 means all land)", dtype="int32", time_dependent=False, ), "ht": Variable("Total depth (T)", T_HOR, "m", "Total depth of the water column", time_dependent=False), "hu": Variable("Total depth (U)", U_HOR, "m", "Total depth of the water column", time_dependent=False), "hv": Variable("Total depth (V)", V_HOR, "m", "Total depth of the water column", time_dependent=False), "hur": Variable( "Total depth (U), masked", U_HOR, "m", "Total depth of the water column (masked)", time_dependent=False ), "hvr": Variable( "Total depth (V), masked", V_HOR, "m", "Total depth of the water column (masked)", time_dependent=False ), "beta": Variable( "Change of Coriolis freq.", T_HOR, "1/(ms)", "Change of Coriolis frequency with latitude", time_dependent=False ), "area_t": Variable("Area of T-box", T_HOR, "m^2", "Area of T-box", time_dependent=False), "area_u": Variable("Area of U-box", U_HOR, "m^2", "Area of U-box", time_dependent=False), "area_v": Variable("Area of V-box", V_HOR, "m^2", "Area of V-box", time_dependent=False), "maskT": Variable( "Mask for tracer points", T_GRID, "", "Mask in physical space for tracer points", time_dependent=False, dtype="bool", ), "maskU": Variable( "Mask for U points", U_GRID, "", "Mask in physical space for U points", time_dependent=False, dtype="bool", ), "maskV": Variable( "Mask for V points", V_GRID, "", "Mask in physical space for V points", time_dependent=False, dtype="bool", ), "maskW": Variable( "Mask for W points", W_GRID, "", "Mask in physical space for W points", time_dependent=False, dtype="bool", ), "maskZ": Variable( "Mask for Zeta points", ZETA_GRID, "", "Mask in physical space for Zeta points", time_dependent=False, dtype="bool", ), "rho": Variable( "Density", T_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "kg/m^3", "In-situ density anomaly, relative to the surface mean value of 1024 kg/m^3", write_to_restart=True, ), "prho": Variable( "Potential density", T_GRID, "kg/m^3", "Potential density anomaly, relative to the surface mean value of 1024 kg/m^3 " "(identical to in-situ density anomaly for equation of state type 1, 2, and 4)", ), "int_drhodT": Variable( "Der. of dyn. enthalpy by temperature", T_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "kg / (m^2 deg C)", "Partial derivative of dynamic enthalpy by temperature", write_to_restart=True, ), "int_drhodS": Variable( "Der. of dyn. enthalpy by salinity", T_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "kg / (m^2 g / kg)", "Partial derivative of dynamic enthalpy by salinity", write_to_restart=True, ), "Nsqr": Variable( "Square of stability frequency", W_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "1/s^2", "Square of stability frequency", write_to_restart=True, ), "Hd": Variable("Dynamic enthalpy", T_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m^2/s^2", "Dynamic enthalpy", write_to_restart=True), "dHd": Variable( "Change of dyn. enth. by adv.", T_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m^2/s^3", "Change of dynamic enthalpy due to advection", write_to_restart=True, ), "temp": Variable("Temperature", T_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "deg C", "Conservative temperature", write_to_restart=True), "dtemp": Variable( "Temperature tendency", T_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "deg C/s", "Conservative temperature tendency", write_to_restart=True, ), "salt": Variable("Salinity", T_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "g/kg", "Salinity", write_to_restart=True), "dsalt": Variable("Salinity tendency", T_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "g/(kg s)", "Salinity tendency", write_to_restart=True), "dtemp_vmix": Variable( "Change of temp. by vertical mixing", T_GRID, "deg C/s", "Change of temperature due to vertical mixing", ), "dtemp_hmix": Variable( "Change of temp. by horizontal mixing", T_GRID, "deg C/s", "Change of temperature due to horizontal mixing", ), "dsalt_vmix": Variable( "Change of sal. by vertical mixing", T_GRID, "deg C/s", "Change of salinity due to vertical mixing", ), "dsalt_hmix": Variable( "Change of sal. by horizontal mixing", T_GRID, "deg C/s", "Change of salinity due to horizontal mixing", ), "dtemp_iso": Variable( "Change of temp. by isop. mixing", T_GRID, "deg C/s", "Change of temperature due to isopycnal mixing plus skew mixing", ), "dsalt_iso": Variable( "Change of sal. by isop. mixing", T_GRID, "deg C/s", "Change of salinity due to isopycnal mixing plus skew mixing", ), "forc_temp_surface": Variable( "Surface temperature flux", T_HOR, "m deg C/s", "Surface temperature flux", ), "forc_salt_surface": Variable( "Surface salinity flux", T_HOR, "m g/s kg", "Surface salinity flux", ), "u": Variable("Zonal velocity", U_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m/s", "Zonal velocity", write_to_restart=True), "v": Variable("Meridional velocity", V_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m/s", "Meridional velocity", write_to_restart=True), "w": Variable("Vertical velocity", W_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m/s", "Vertical velocity", write_to_restart=True), "du": Variable( "Zonal velocity tendency", U_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m/s", "Zonal velocity tendency", write_to_restart=True ), "dv": Variable( "Meridional velocity tendency", V_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m/s", "Meridional velocity tendency", write_to_restart=True ), "du_cor": Variable("Change of u by Coriolis force", U_GRID, "m/s^2", "Change of u due to Coriolis force"), "dv_cor": Variable("Change of v by Coriolis force", V_GRID, "m/s^2", "Change of v due to Coriolis force"), "du_mix": Variable( "Change of u by vertical mixing", U_GRID, "m/s^2", "Change of u due to implicit vertical mixing" ), "dv_mix": Variable( "Change of v by vertical mixing", V_GRID, "m/s^2", "Change of v due to implicit vertical mixing" ), "du_adv": Variable("Change of u by advection", U_GRID, "m/s^2", "Change of u due to advection"), "dv_adv": Variable("Change of v by advection", V_GRID, "m/s^2", "Change of v due to advection"), "p_hydro": Variable("Hydrostatic pressure", T_GRID, "m^2/s^2", "Hydrostatic pressure"), "kappaM": Variable("Vertical viscosity", T_GRID, "m^2/s", "Vertical viscosity"), "kappaH": Variable("Vertical diffusivity", W_GRID, "m^2/s", "Vertical diffusivity"), "surface_taux": Variable( "Surface wind stress", U_HOR, "N/m^2", "Zonal surface wind stress", ), "surface_tauy": Variable( "Surface wind stress", V_HOR, "N/m^2", "Meridional surface wind stress", ), "forc_rho_surface": Variable("Surface density flux", T_HOR, "kg / (m^2 s)", "Surface potential density flux"), "ssh": Variable( "Sea surface height", T_HOR, "m", "Sea surface height", active=lambda settings: not settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "psi": Variable( lambda settings: "Streamfunction" if settings.enable_streamfunction else "Surface pressure", lambda settings: ZETA_HOR + TIMESTEPS if settings.enable_streamfunction else T_HOR + TIMESTEPS, lambda settings: "m^3/s" if settings.enable_streamfunction else "m^2/s^2", lambda settings: "Barotropic streamfunction" if settings.enable_streamfunction else "Surface pressure", write_to_restart=True, mask=_get_psi_mask, ), "dpsi": Variable( "Streamfunction tendency", ZETA_HOR + TIMESTEPS, "m^3/s^2", "Streamfunction tendency", write_to_restart=True, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "land_map": Variable( "Land map", T_HOR, "", "Land map", dtype="int32", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "isle": Variable( "Island number", ISLE, "", "Island number", dtype="int32", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "psin": Variable( "Boundary streamfunction", ZETA_HOR + ISLE, "m^3/s", "Boundary streamfunction", time_dependent=False, mask=_get_psi_mask, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "dpsin": Variable( "Boundary streamfunction factor", ISLE + TIMESTEPS, "m^3/s^2", "Boundary streamfunction factor", write_to_restart=True, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "line_psin": Variable( "Boundary line integrals", ISLE + ISLE, "m^4/s^2", "Boundary line integrals", time_dependent=False, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "isle_boundary_mask": Variable( "Island boundary mask", T_HOR, "", "Island boundary mask", time_dependent=False, dtype="bool", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "line_dir_south_mask": Variable( "Line integral mask", T_HOR + ISLE, "", "Line integral mask", time_dependent=False, dtype="bool", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "line_dir_north_mask": Variable( "Line integral mask", T_HOR + ISLE, "", "Line integral mask", time_dependent=False, dtype="bool", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "line_dir_east_mask": Variable( "Line integral mask", T_HOR + ISLE, "", "Line integral mask", time_dependent=False, dtype="bool", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "line_dir_west_mask": Variable( "Line integral mask", T_HOR + ISLE, "", "Line integral mask", time_dependent=False, dtype="bool", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_streamfunction, ), "K_gm": Variable("Skewness diffusivity", W_GRID, "m^2/s", "GM diffusivity, either constant or from EKE model"), "K_iso": Variable("Isopycnal diffusivity", W_GRID, "m^2/s", "Along-isopycnal diffusivity"), "K_diss_v": Variable( "Dissipation of kinetic Energy", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Kinetic energy dissipation by vertical, rayleigh and bottom friction", write_to_restart=True, ), "K_diss_bot": Variable( "Dissipation of kinetic Energy", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Mean energy dissipation by bottom and rayleigh friction" ), "K_diss_h": Variable( "Dissipation of kinetic Energy", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Kinetic energy dissipation by horizontal friction" ), "K_diss_gm": Variable( "Dissipation of mean energy", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Mean energy dissipation by GM (TRM formalism only)", ), "P_diss_v": Variable( "Dissipation of potential Energy", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Potential energy dissipation by vertical diffusion" ), "P_diss_nonlin": Variable( "Dissipation of potential Energy", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Potential energy dissipation by nonlinear equation of state", ), "P_diss_iso": Variable( "Dissipation of potential Energy", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Potential energy dissipation by isopycnal mixing" ), "P_diss_skew": Variable( "Dissipation of potential Energy", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Potential energy dissipation by GM (w/o TRM)" ), "P_diss_hmix": Variable( "Dissipation of potential Energy", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Potential energy dissipation by horizontal mixing" ), "P_diss_adv": Variable( "Dissipation of potential Energy", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Potential energy dissipation by advection" ), "P_diss_sources": Variable( "Dissipation of potential Energy", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Potential energy dissipation by external sources (e.g. restoring zones)", ), "u_wgrid": Variable("U on W grid", W_GRID, "m/s", "Zonal velocity interpolated to W grid points"), "v_wgrid": Variable("V on W grid", W_GRID, "m/s", "Meridional velocity interpolated to W grid points"), "w_wgrid": Variable("W on W grid", W_GRID, "m/s", "Vertical velocity interpolated to W grid points"), "xt": Variable( "Zonal coordinate (T)", XT, lambda settings: "degrees_east" if settings.coord_degree else "km", "Zonal (x) coordinate of T-grid point", time_dependent=False, scale=lambda settings: 1 if settings.coord_degree else 1e-3, ), "xu": Variable( "Zonal coordinate (U)", XU, lambda settings: "degrees_east" if settings.coord_degree else "km", "Zonal (x) coordinate of U-grid point", time_dependent=False, scale=lambda settings: 1 if settings.coord_degree else 1e-3, ), "yt": Variable( "Meridional coordinate (T)", YT, lambda settings: "degrees_north" if settings.coord_degree else "km", "Meridional (y) coordinate of T-grid point", time_dependent=False, scale=lambda settings: 1 if settings.coord_degree else 1e-3, ), "yu": Variable( "Meridional coordinate (U)", YU, lambda settings: "degrees_north" if settings.coord_degree else "km", "Meridional (y) coordinate of U-grid point", time_dependent=False, scale=lambda settings: 1 if settings.coord_degree else 1e-3, ), "temp_source": Variable( "Source of temperature", T_GRID, "K/s", "Non-conservative source of temperature", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_tempsalt_sources, ), "salt_source": Variable( "Source of salt", T_GRID, "g/(kg s)", "Non-conservative source of salt", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_tempsalt_sources, ), "u_source": Variable( "Source of zonal velocity", U_GRID, "m/s^2", "Non-conservative source of zonal velocity", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_momentum_sources, ), "v_source": Variable( "Source of meridional velocity", V_GRID, "m/s^2", "Non-conservative source of meridional velocity", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_momentum_sources, ), "K_11": Variable( "Isopycnal mixing coefficient", T_GRID, "m^2/s", "Isopycnal mixing tensor component", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_neutral_diffusion, ), "K_22": Variable( "Isopycnal mixing coefficient", T_GRID, "m^2/s", "Isopycnal mixing tensor component", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_neutral_diffusion, ), "K_33": Variable( "Isopycnal mixing coefficient", T_GRID, "m^2/s", "Isopycnal mixing tensor component", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_neutral_diffusion, ), "Ai_ez": Variable( "Isopycnal diffusion coefficient", T_GRID + TENSOR_COMP, "Vertical isopycnal diffusion coefficient on eastern face of T cell", "1", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_neutral_diffusion, ), "Ai_nz": Variable( "Isopycnal diffusion coefficient", T_GRID + TENSOR_COMP, "Vertical isopycnal diffusion coefficient on northern face of T cell", "1", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_neutral_diffusion, ), "Ai_bx": Variable( "Isopycnal diffusion coefficient", T_GRID + TENSOR_COMP, "Zonal isopycnal diffusion coefficient on bottom face of T cell", "1", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_neutral_diffusion, ), "Ai_by": Variable( "Isopycnal diffusion coefficient", T_GRID + TENSOR_COMP, "Meridional isopycnal diffusion coefficient on bottom face of T cell", "1", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_neutral_diffusion, ), "B1_gm": Variable( "Zonal component of GM streamfunction", V_GRID, "m^2/s", "Zonal component of GM streamfunction", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_skew_diffusion, ), "B2_gm": Variable( "Meridional component of GM streamfunction", U_GRID, "m^2/s", "Meridional component of GM streamfunction", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_skew_diffusion, ), "r_bot_var_u": Variable( "Bottom friction coeff.", U_HOR, "1/s", "Zonal bottom friction coefficient", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_bottom_friction_var, ), "r_bot_var_v": Variable( "Bottom friction coeff.", V_HOR, "1/s", "Meridional bottom friction coefficient", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_bottom_friction_var, ), "kappa_gm": Variable( "Vertical diffusivity", W_GRID, "m^2/s", "Vertical diffusivity", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_TEM_friction, ), "tke": Variable( "Turbulent kinetic energy", W_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m^2/s^2", "Turbulent kinetic energy", write_to_restart=True, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_tke, ), "sqrttke": Variable( "Square-root of TKE", W_GRID, "m/s", "Square-root of TKE", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_tke, ), "dtke": Variable( "Turbulent kinetic energy tendency", W_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m^2/s^3", "Turbulent kinetic energy tendency", write_to_restart=True, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_tke, ), "Prandtlnumber": Variable( "Prandtl number", W_GRID, "", "Prandtl number", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_tke, ), "mxl": Variable( "Mixing length", W_GRID, "m", "Mixing length", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_tke, ), "forc_tke_surface": Variable( "TKE surface flux", T_HOR, "m^3/s^3", "TKE surface flux", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_tke, ), "tke_diss": Variable( "TKE dissipation", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "TKE dissipation", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_tke, ), "tke_surf_corr": Variable( "Correction of TKE surface flux", T_HOR, "m^3/s^3", "Correction of TKE surface flux", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_tke, ), "eke": Variable( "meso-scale energy", W_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m^2/s^2", "meso-scale energy", write_to_restart=True, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_eke, ), "deke": Variable( "meso-scale energy tendency", W_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m^2/s^3", "meso-scale energy tendency", write_to_restart=True, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_eke, ), "sqrteke": Variable( "square-root of eke", W_GRID, "m/s", "square-root of eke", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_eke, ), "L_rossby": Variable( "Rossby radius", T_HOR, "m", "Rossby radius", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_eke, ), "L_rhines": Variable( "Rhines scale", W_GRID, "m", "Rhines scale", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_eke, ), "eke_len": Variable( "Eddy length scale", T_GRID, "m", "Eddy length scale", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_eke, ), "eke_diss_iw": Variable( "Dissipation of EKE to IW", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Dissipation of EKE to internal waves", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_eke, ), "eke_diss_tke": Variable( "Dissipation of EKE to TKE", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Dissipation of EKE to TKE", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_eke, ), "E_iw": Variable( "Internal wave energy", W_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m^2/s^2", "Internal wave energy", write_to_restart=True, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_idemix, ), "dE_iw": Variable( "Internal wave energy tendency", W_GRID + TIMESTEPS, "m^2/s^2", "Internal wave energy tendency", write_to_restart=True, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_idemix, ), "c0": Variable( "Vertical IW group velocity", W_GRID, "m/s", "Vertical internal wave group velocity", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_idemix, ), "v0": Variable( "Horizontal IW group velocity", W_GRID, "m/s", "Horizontal internal wave group velocity", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_idemix, ), "alpha_c": Variable( "?", W_GRID, "?", "?", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_idemix, ), "iw_diss": Variable( "IW dissipation", W_GRID, "m^2/s^3", "Internal wave dissipation", active=lambda settings: settings.enable_idemix, ), "forc_iw_surface": Variable( "IW surface forcing", T_HOR, "m^3/s^3", "Internal wave surface forcing", time_dependent=False, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_idemix, ), "forc_iw_bottom": Variable( "IW bottom forcing", T_HOR, "m^3/s^3", "Internal wave bottom forcing", time_dependent=False, active=lambda settings: settings.enable_idemix, ), } def manifest_metadata(var_meta, settings): """Evaluate callable metadata fields given the current settings.""" from copy import copy out = {} for var_name, var_val in var_meta.items(): var_val = copy(var_val) for attr, attr_val in vars(var_val).items(): if callable(attr_val) and attr != "get_mask": setattr(var_val, attr, attr_val(settings)) out[var_name] = var_val return out def allocate(dimensions, grid, dtype=None, include_ghosts=True, local=True, fill=0): from veros.core.operators import numpy as npx if dtype is None: dtype = runtime_settings.float_type shape = get_shape(dimensions, grid, include_ghosts=include_ghosts, local=local) out = npx.full(shape, fill, dtype=dtype) if runtime_settings.backend == "numpy": out.flags.writeable = False return out