Source code for veros.veros

import abc

from loguru import logger

from veros import (
    settings, diagnostics, time, handlers, logs, distributed, progress,
    runtime_settings as rs, runtime_state as rst
from veros.state import VerosState
from veros.timer import Timer
from veros.core import (
    momentum, numerics, thermodynamics, eke, tke, idemix,
    isoneutral, streamfunction, advection, utilities, npzd

[docs]class VerosSetup(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """Main class for Veros, used for building a model and running it. Note: This class is meant to be subclassed. Subclasses need to implement the methods :meth:`set_parameter`, :meth:`set_topography`, :meth:`set_grid`, :meth:`set_coriolis`, :meth:`set_initial_conditions`, :meth:`set_forcing`, and :meth:`set_diagnostics`. Arguments: backend (:obj:`bool`, optional): Backend to use for array operations. Possible values are ``numpy`` and ``bohrium``. Defaults to ``None``, which tries to read the backend from the command line (set via a flag ``-b``/``--backend``), and uses ``numpy`` if no command line argument is given. loglevel (one of {debug, info, warning, error, critical}, optional): Verbosity of the model. Tries to read value from command line if not given (``-v``/``--loglevel``). Defaults to ``info``. Example: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from veros import VerosSetup >>> >>> class MyModel(VerosSetup): >>> ... >>> >>> simulation = MyModel(backend='bohrium') >>> >>> plt.imshow(simulation.state.psi[..., 0]) >>> """ def __init__(self, state=None, override=None): self.override_settings = override or {} logs.setup_logging(loglevel=rs.loglevel) if state is None: self.state = VerosState() self.state.timers = {k: Timer(k) for k in ( 'setup', 'main', 'momentum', 'temperature', 'eke', 'idemix', 'tke', 'diagnostics', 'pressure', 'friction', 'isoneutral', 'vmix', 'eq_of_state', 'npzd' )}
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_parameter(self, vs): """To be implemented by subclass. First function to be called during setup. Use this to modify the model settings. Example: >>> def set_parameter(self, vs): >>> vs.nx, vs.ny, = (360, 120, 50) >>> vs.coord_degree = True >>> vs.enable_cyclic = True """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_initial_conditions(self, vs): """To be implemented by subclass. May be used to set initial conditions. Example: >>> @veros_method >>> def set_initial_conditions(self, vs): >>> vs.u[:, :, :, vs.tau] = np.random.rand(vs.u.shape[:-1]) """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_grid(self, vs): """To be implemented by subclass. Has to set the grid spacings :attr:`dxt`, :attr:`dyt`, and :attr:`dzt`, along with the coordinates of the grid origin, :attr:`x_origin` and :attr:`y_origin`. Example: >>> @veros_method >>> def set_grid(self, vs): >>> vs.x_origin, vs.y_origin = 0, 0 >>> vs.dxt[...] = [0.1, 0.05, 0.025, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1] >>> vs.dyt[...] = 1. >>> vs.dzt[...] = [10, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200] """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_coriolis(self, vs): """To be implemented by subclass. Has to set the Coriolis parameter :attr:`coriolis_t` at T grid cells. Example: >>> @veros_method >>> def set_coriolis(self, vs): >>> vs.coriolis_t[:, :] = 2 * * np.sin([np.newaxis, :] / 180. * vs.pi) """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_topography(self, vs): """To be implemented by subclass. Must specify the model topography by setting :attr:`kbot`. Example: >>> @veros_method >>> def set_topography(self, vs): >>> vs.kbot[:, :] = 10 >>> # add a rectangular island somewhere inside the domain >>> vs.kbot[10:20, 10:20] = 0 """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_forcing(self, vs): """To be implemented by subclass. Called before every time step to update the external forcing, e.g. through :attr:`forc_temp_surface`, :attr:`forc_salt_surface`, :attr:`surface_taux`, :attr:`surface_tauy`, :attr:`forc_tke_surface`, :attr:`temp_source`, or :attr:`salt_source`. Use this method to implement time-dependent forcing. Example: >>> @veros_method >>> def set_forcing(self, vs): >>> current_month = (vs.time / (31 * 24 * 60 * 60)) % 12 >>> vs.surface_taux[:, :] = vs._windstress_data[:, :, current_month] """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def set_diagnostics(self, vs): """To be implemented by subclass. Called before setting up the :ref:`diagnostics <diagnostics>`. Use this method e.g. to mark additional :ref:`variables <variables>` for output. Example: >>> @veros_method >>> def set_diagnostics(self, vs): >>> vs.diagnostics['snapshot'].output_vars += ['drho', 'dsalt', 'dtemp'] """ pass
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def after_timestep(self, vs): """Called at the end of each time step. Can be used to define custom, setup-specific events. """ pass
def setup(self): vs = self.state with vs.timers['setup']:'Setting up everything') self.set_parameter(vs) for setting, value in self.override_settings.items(): setattr(vs, setting, value) settings.check_setting_conflicts(vs) distributed.validate_decomposition(vs) vs.allocate_variables() self.set_grid(vs) numerics.calc_grid(vs) self.set_coriolis(vs) numerics.calc_beta(vs) self.set_topography(vs) numerics.calc_topo(vs) self.set_initial_conditions(vs) numerics.calc_initial_conditions(vs) streamfunction.streamfunction_init(vs) eke.init_eke(vs) vs.diagnostics = diagnostics.create_diagnostics(vs) self.set_diagnostics(vs) diagnostics.initialize(vs) diagnostics.read_restart(vs) if vs.enable_npzd: npzd.setupNPZD(vs) self.set_forcing(vs) isoneutral.check_isoneutral_slope_crit(vs)
[docs] def run(self, show_progress_bar=None): """Main routine of the simulation. Note: Make sure to call :meth:`setup` prior to this function. Arguments: show_progress_bar (:obj:`bool`, optional): Whether to show fancy progress bar via tqdm. By default, only show if stdout is a terminal and Veros is running on a single process. """ vs = self.state'\nStarting integration for {0[0]:.1f} {0[1]}'.format(time.format_time(vs.runlen))) start_time, start_iteration = vs.time, vs.itt profiler = None pbar = progress.get_progress_bar(vs, use_tqdm=show_progress_bar) with handlers.signals_to_exception(): try: with pbar: while vs.time - start_time < vs.runlen: with vs.timers['diagnostics']: diagnostics.write_restart(vs) if vs.itt - start_iteration == 3 and rs.profile_mode and rst.proc_rank == 0: # when using bohrium, most kernels should be pre-compiled by now profiler = diagnostics.start_profiler() with vs.timers['main']: self.set_forcing(vs) if vs.enable_idemix: idemix.set_idemix_parameter(vs) with vs.timers['eke']: eke.set_eke_diffusivities(vs) with vs.timers['tke']: tke.set_tke_diffusivities(vs) with vs.timers['momentum']: momentum.momentum(vs) with vs.timers['temperature']: thermodynamics.thermodynamics(vs) if vs.enable_eke or vs.enable_tke or vs.enable_idemix: advection.calculate_velocity_on_wgrid(vs) with vs.timers['eke']: if vs.enable_eke: eke.integrate_eke(vs) with vs.timers['idemix']: if vs.enable_idemix: idemix.integrate_idemix(vs) with vs.timers['tke']: if vs.enable_tke: tke.integrate_tke(vs) with vs.timers['npzd']: if vs.enable_npzd: npzd.npzd(vs) utilities.enforce_boundaries(vs, vs.u[:, :, :, vs.taup1]) utilities.enforce_boundaries(vs, vs.v[:, :, :, vs.taup1]) if vs.enable_tke: utilities.enforce_boundaries(vs, vs.tke[:, :, :, vs.taup1]) if vs.enable_eke: utilities.enforce_boundaries(vs, vs.eke[:, :, :, vs.taup1]) if vs.enable_idemix: utilities.enforce_boundaries(vs, vs.E_iw[:, :, :, vs.taup1]) momentum.vertical_velocity(vs) vs.itt += 1 vs.time += vs.dt_tracer pbar.advance_time(vs.dt_tracer) self.after_timestep(vs) with vs.timers['diagnostics']: if not diagnostics.sanity_check(vs): raise RuntimeError('solution diverged at iteration {}'.format(vs.itt)) if vs.enable_neutral_diffusion and vs.enable_skew_diffusion: isoneutral.isoneutral_diag_streamfunction(vs) diagnostics.diagnose(vs) diagnostics.output(vs) # NOTE: benchmarks parse this, do not change / remove logger.debug(' Time step took {:.2f}s', vs.timers['main'].get_last_time()) # permutate time indices vs.taum1, vs.tau, vs.taup1 = vs.tau, vs.taup1, vs.taum1 except: logger.critical('Stopping integration at iteration {}', vs.itt) raise else: logger.success('Integration done\n') finally: diagnostics.write_restart(vs, force=True) logger.debug('\n'.join([ '', 'Timing summary:', ' setup time = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['setup'].get_time()), ' main loop time = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['main'].get_time()), ' momentum = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['momentum'].get_time()), ' pressure = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['pressure'].get_time()), ' friction = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['friction'].get_time()), ' thermodynamics = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['temperature'].get_time()), ' lateral mixing = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['isoneutral'].get_time()), ' vertical mixing = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['vmix'].get_time()), ' equation of state = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['eq_of_state'].get_time()), ' EKE = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['eke'].get_time()), ' IDEMIX = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['idemix'].get_time()), ' TKE = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['tke'].get_time()), ' npzd = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['npzd'].get_time()), ' diagnostics and I/O = {:.2f}s'.format(vs.timers['diagnostics'].get_time()), ])) if profiler is not None: diagnostics.stop_profiler(profiler)