Model settingsΒΆ

The following list of available settings is automatically created from the file in the Veros main folder. They are available as attributes of the Veros settings object, e.g.:

>>> simulation = MyVerosSetup()
>>> settings = simulation.state.settings
>>> print(settings.eq_of_state_type)
VerosSettings.identifier = UNNAMED

Identifier of the current simulation

VerosSettings.description =

Description of the current simulation

VerosSettings.nx = 0

Grid points in zonal (x) direction

VerosSettings.ny = 0

Grid points in meridional (y,j) direction = 0

Grid points in vertical (z,k) direction

VerosSettings.dt_mom = 0.0

Time step in seconds for momentum

VerosSettings.dt_tracer = 0.0

Time step for tracers, can be larger than dt_mom

VerosSettings.runlen = 0.0

Length of simulation in seconds

VerosSettings.AB_eps = 0.1

Deviation from Adam-Bashforth weighting

VerosSettings.x_origin = 0

Grid origin in x-direction

VerosSettings.y_origin = 0

Grid origin in y-direction

VerosSettings.pi = 3.141592653589793


VerosSettings.radius = 6370000.0

Earth radius in m

VerosSettings.degtom = 111177.4733520388

Conversion factor from degrees latitude to meters = 7.292123516990375e-05

Earth rotation frequency in 1/s

VerosSettings.rho_0 = 1024.0

Boussinesq reference density in \(kg/m^3\)

VerosSettings.grav = 9.81

Gravitational constant in \(m/s^2\)

VerosSettings.coord_degree = False

either spherical (True) or cartesian (False) coordinates

VerosSettings.enable_cyclic_x = False

enable cyclic boundary conditions

VerosSettings.eq_of_state_type = 1

equation of state: 1: linear, 3: nonlinear with comp., 5: TEOS

VerosSettings.enable_implicit_vert_friction = False

enable implicit vertical friction

VerosSettings.enable_explicit_vert_friction = False

enable explicit vertical friction

VerosSettings.enable_hor_friction = False

enable horizontal friction

VerosSettings.enable_hor_diffusion = False

enable horizontal diffusion

VerosSettings.enable_biharmonic_friction = False

enable biharmonic horizontal friction

VerosSettings.enable_biharmonic_mixing = False

enable biharmonic horizontal mixing

VerosSettings.enable_hor_friction_cos_scaling = False

scaling of hor. viscosity with cos(latitude)**cosPower

VerosSettings.enable_ray_friction = False

enable Rayleigh damping

VerosSettings.enable_bottom_friction = False

enable bottom friction

VerosSettings.enable_bottom_friction_var = False

enable bottom friction with lateral variations

VerosSettings.enable_quadratic_bottom_friction = False

enable quadratic bottom friction

VerosSettings.enable_tempsalt_sources = False

enable restoring zones, etc

VerosSettings.enable_momentum_sources = False

enable restoring zones, etc

VerosSettings.enable_superbee_advection = False

enable advection scheme with implicit mixing

VerosSettings.enable_conserve_energy = True

exchange energy consistently

VerosSettings.enable_store_bottom_friction_tke = False

transfer dissipated energy by bottom/rayleig fric. to TKE, else transfer to internal waves

VerosSettings.enable_store_cabbeling_heat = False

transfer non-linear mixing terms to potential enthalpy, else transfer to TKE and EKE

VerosSettings.enable_noslip_lateral = False

enable lateral no-slip boundary conditions in harmonic- and biharmonic friction.

VerosSettings.enable_streamfunction = True

solve for external mode with barotropic streamfunction, else solve for surface pressure and sea surface height

VerosSettings.A_h = 0.0

lateral viscosity in m^2/s

VerosSettings.K_h = 0.0

lateral diffusivity in m^2/s

VerosSettings.r_ray = 0.0

Rayleigh damping coefficient in 1/s

VerosSettings.r_bot = 0.0

bottom friction coefficient in 1/s

VerosSettings.r_quad_bot = 0.0

qudratic bottom friction coefficient

VerosSettings.hor_friction_cosPower = 3

power to scale cos term by in horizontal friction

VerosSettings.A_hbi = 0.0

lateral biharmonic viscosity in m^4/s

VerosSettings.K_hbi = 0.0

lateral biharmonic diffusivity in m^4/s

VerosSettings.biharmonic_friction_cosPower = 0

power to scale cos term by in biharmonic friction

VerosSettings.kappaH_0 = 0.0

fixed values for vertical viscosity/diffusivity which are set for no TKE model

VerosSettings.kappaM_0 = 0.0

fixed values for vertical viscosity/diffusivity which are set for no TKE model

VerosSettings.enable_neutral_diffusion = False

enable isopycnal mixing

VerosSettings.enable_skew_diffusion = False

enable skew diffusion approach for eddy-driven velocities

VerosSettings.enable_TEM_friction = False

TEM approach for eddy-driven velocities

VerosSettings.K_iso_0 = 0.0

constant for isopycnal diffusivity in m^2/s

VerosSettings.K_iso_steep = 0.0

lateral diffusivity for steep slopes in m^2/s

VerosSettings.K_gm_0 = 0.0

fixed value for K_gm which is set for no EKE model

VerosSettings.iso_dslope = 0.0008

parameters controlling max allowed isopycnal slopes

VerosSettings.iso_slopec = 0.001

parameters controlling max allowed isopycnal slopes

VerosSettings.enable_idemix = False
VerosSettings.tau_v = 172800.0

time scale for vertical symmetrisation

VerosSettings.tau_h = 1296000.0

time scale for horizontal symmetrisation

VerosSettings.gamma = 1.57
VerosSettings.jstar = 5.0

spectral bandwidth in modes

VerosSettings.mu0 = 0.3333333333333333

dissipation parameter

VerosSettings.enable_idemix_hor_diffusion = False
VerosSettings.enable_eke_diss_bottom = False
VerosSettings.enable_eke_diss_surfbot = False
VerosSettings.eke_diss_surfbot_frac = 1.0

fraction which goes into bottom

VerosSettings.enable_idemix_superbee_advection = False
VerosSettings.enable_idemix_upwind_advection = False
VerosSettings.enable_tke = False
VerosSettings.c_k = 0.1
VerosSettings.c_eps = 0.7
VerosSettings.alpha_tke = 1.0
VerosSettings.mxl_min = 1e-12
VerosSettings.kappaM_min = 0.0
VerosSettings.kappaM_max = 100.0
VerosSettings.tke_mxl_choice = 1
VerosSettings.enable_tke_superbee_advection = False
VerosSettings.enable_tke_upwind_advection = False
VerosSettings.enable_tke_hor_diffusion = False
VerosSettings.K_h_tke = 2000.0

lateral diffusivity for tke

VerosSettings.enable_eke = False
VerosSettings.eke_lmin = 100.0

minimal length scale in m

VerosSettings.eke_c_k = 1.0
VerosSettings.eke_cross = 1.0

Parameter for EKE model

VerosSettings.eke_crhin = 1.0

Parameter for EKE model

VerosSettings.eke_c_eps = 1.0

Parameter for EKE model

VerosSettings.eke_k_max = 10000.0

maximum of K_gm

VerosSettings.alpha_eke = 1.0

factor vertical friction

VerosSettings.enable_eke_superbee_advection = False
VerosSettings.enable_eke_upwind_advection = False
VerosSettings.enable_eke_isopycnal_diffusion = False

use K_gm also for isopycnal diffusivity

VerosSettings.restart_input_filename = None

File name of restart input. If not given, no restart data will be read.

VerosSettings.restart_output_filename = {identifier}_{itt:0>4d}.restart.h5

File name of restart output. May contain Python format syntax that is substituted with Veros attributes.

VerosSettings.restart_frequency = 0

Frequency (in seconds) to write restart data

VerosSettings.kappaH_min = 0.0

minimum value for vertical diffusivity

VerosSettings.enable_kappaH_profile = False

Compute vertical profile of diffusivity after Bryan and Lewis (1979) in TKE routine

VerosSettings.enable_Prandtl_tke = True

Compute Prandtl number from stratification levels in TKE routine

VerosSettings.Prandtl_tke0 = 10.0

Constant Prandtl number when stratification is neglected for kappaH computation in TKE routine