Source code for veros.setups.global_4deg.global_4deg

import os
import h5netcdf

from veros import VerosSetup, veros_routine, veros_kernel, KernelOutput, logger
from veros.variables import Variable
from veros.core.operators import numpy as npx, update, at

BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
DATA_FILES ="global_4deg", os.path.join(BASE_PATH, "assets.json"))

[docs] class GlobalFourDegreeSetup(VerosSetup): """Global 4 degree model with 15 vertical levels. This setup demonstrates: - setting up a realistic model - reading input data from external files - including Indonesian throughflow - implementing surface forcings - applying a simple ice mask `Adapted from pyOM2 <>`_. ChangeLog - 07-05-2020: modify bathymetry in order to include Indonesian throughflow; courtesy of Franka Jesse, Utrecht University """ @veros_routine def set_parameter(self, state): settings = state.settings settings.identifier = "global_4deg" settings.description = "My global 4 degree setup" settings.nx, settings.ny, = 90, 40, 15 settings.dt_mom = 1800.0 settings.dt_tracer = 86400.0 settings.runlen = 0.0 settings.x_origin = 4.0 settings.y_origin = -76.0 settings.coord_degree = True settings.enable_cyclic_x = True settings.enable_neutral_diffusion = True settings.K_iso_0 = 1000.0 settings.K_iso_steep = 1000.0 settings.iso_dslope = 4.0 / 1000.0 settings.iso_slopec = 1.0 / 1000.0 settings.enable_skew_diffusion = True settings.enable_hor_friction = True settings.A_h = (4 * settings.degtom) ** 3 * 2e-11 settings.enable_hor_friction_cos_scaling = True settings.hor_friction_cosPower = 1 settings.enable_implicit_vert_friction = True settings.enable_tke = True settings.c_k = 0.1 settings.c_eps = 0.7 settings.alpha_tke = 30.0 settings.mxl_min = 1e-8 settings.tke_mxl_choice = 2 settings.kappaM_min = 2e-4 settings.kappaH_min = 2e-5 settings.enable_kappaH_profile = True settings.enable_tke_superbee_advection = True settings.enable_eke = True settings.eke_k_max = 1e4 settings.eke_c_k = 0.4 settings.eke_c_eps = 0.5 settings.eke_cross = 2.0 settings.eke_crhin = 1.0 settings.eke_lmin = 100.0 settings.enable_eke_superbee_advection = True settings.enable_idemix = False settings.enable_idemix_hor_diffusion = True settings.enable_eke_diss_surfbot = True settings.eke_diss_surfbot_frac = 0.2 settings.enable_idemix_superbee_advection = True settings.eq_of_state_type = 5 # custom variables state.dimensions["nmonths"] = 12 state.var_meta.update( sss_clim=Variable("sss_clim", ("xt", "yt", "nmonths"), "", "", time_dependent=False), sst_clim=Variable("sst_clim", ("xt", "yt", "nmonths"), "", "", time_dependent=False), qnec=Variable("qnec", ("xt", "yt", "nmonths"), "", "", time_dependent=False), qnet=Variable("qnet", ("xt", "yt", "nmonths"), "", "", time_dependent=False), taux=Variable("taux", ("xt", "yt", "nmonths"), "", "", time_dependent=False), tauy=Variable("tauy", ("xt", "yt", "nmonths"), "", "", time_dependent=False), ) def _read_forcing(self, var): with h5netcdf.File(DATA_FILES["forcing"], "r") as infile: var_obj = infile.variables[var] return npx.array(var_obj).T @veros_routine def set_grid(self, state): vs = state.variables ddz = npx.array( [50.0, 70.0, 100.0, 140.0, 190.0, 240.0, 290.0, 340.0, 390.0, 440.0, 490.0, 540.0, 590.0, 640.0, 690.0] ) vs.dzt = ddz[::-1] vs.dxt = 4.0 * npx.ones_like(vs.dxt) vs.dyt = 4.0 * npx.ones_like(vs.dyt) @veros_routine def set_coriolis(self, state): vs = state.variables settings = state.settings vs.coriolis_t = update( vs.coriolis_t, at[...], 2 * * npx.sin([npx.newaxis, :] / 180.0 * settings.pi) ) @veros_routine(dist_safe=False, local_variables=["kbot", "zt"]) def set_topography(self, state): vs = state.variables settings = state.settings bathymetry_data = self._read_forcing("bathymetry") salt_data = self._read_forcing("salinity")[:, :, ::-1] land_mask = (vs.zt[npx.newaxis, npx.newaxis, :] <= bathymetry_data[..., npx.newaxis]) | (salt_data == 0.0) vs.kbot = update(vs.kbot, at[2:-2, 2:-2], 1 + npx.sum(land_mask.astype("int"), axis=2)) # set all-land cells all_land_mask = (bathymetry_data == 0) | (vs.kbot[2:-2, 2:-2] == vs.kbot = update(vs.kbot, at[2:-2, 2:-2], npx.where(all_land_mask, 0, vs.kbot[2:-2, 2:-2])) @veros_routine( dist_safe=False, local_variables=[ "taux", "tauy", "qnec", "qnet", "sss_clim", "sst_clim", "temp", "salt", "area_t", "maskT", "forc_iw_bottom", "forc_iw_surface", ], ) def set_initial_conditions(self, state): vs = state.variables settings = state.settings # initial conditions for T and S temp_data = self._read_forcing("temperature")[:, :, ::-1] vs.temp = update( vs.temp, at[2:-2, 2:-2, :, :2], temp_data[:, :, :, npx.newaxis] * vs.maskT[2:-2, 2:-2, :, npx.newaxis] ) salt_data = self._read_forcing("salinity")[:, :, ::-1] vs.salt = update( vs.salt, at[2:-2, 2:-2, :, :2], salt_data[..., npx.newaxis] * vs.maskT[2:-2, 2:-2, :, npx.newaxis] ) # use Trenberth wind stress from MITgcm instead of ECMWF (also contained in ecmwf_4deg.cdf) vs.taux = update(vs.taux, at[2:-2, 2:-2, :], self._read_forcing("tau_x")) vs.tauy = update(vs.tauy, at[2:-2, 2:-2, :], self._read_forcing("tau_y")) # heat flux with h5netcdf.File(DATA_FILES["ecmwf"], "r") as ecmwf_data: qnec_var = ecmwf_data.variables["Q3"] vs.qnec = update(vs.qnec, at[2:-2, 2:-2, :], npx.array(qnec_var).T) vs.qnec = npx.where(vs.qnec <= -1e10, 0.0, vs.qnec) q = self._read_forcing("q_net") vs.qnet = update(vs.qnet, at[2:-2, 2:-2, :], -q) vs.qnet = npx.where(vs.qnet <= -1e10, 0.0, vs.qnet) mean_flux = ( npx.sum(vs.qnet[2:-2, 2:-2, :] * vs.area_t[2:-2, 2:-2, npx.newaxis]) / 12 / npx.sum(vs.area_t[2:-2, 2:-2]) )" removing an annual mean heat flux imbalance of %e W/m^2" % mean_flux) vs.qnet = (vs.qnet - mean_flux) * vs.maskT[:, :, -1, npx.newaxis] # SST and SSS vs.sst_clim = update(vs.sst_clim, at[2:-2, 2:-2, :], self._read_forcing("sst")) vs.sss_clim = update(vs.sss_clim, at[2:-2, 2:-2, :], self._read_forcing("sss")) if settings.enable_idemix: vs.forc_iw_bottom = update( vs.forc_iw_bottom, at[2:-2, 2:-2], self._read_forcing("tidal_energy") / settings.rho_0 ) vs.forc_iw_surface = update( vs.forc_iw_surface, at[2:-2, 2:-2], self._read_forcing("wind_energy") / settings.rho_0 * 0.2 ) @veros_routine def set_forcing(self, state): vs = state.variables vs.update(set_forcing_kernel(state)) @veros_routine def set_diagnostics(self, state): settings = state.settings state.diagnostics["snapshot"].output_frequency = 360 * 86400.0 state.diagnostics["overturning"].output_frequency = 360 * 86400.0 state.diagnostics["overturning"].sampling_frequency = settings.dt_tracer state.diagnostics["energy"].output_frequency = 360 * 86400.0 state.diagnostics["energy"].sampling_frequency = 86400 average_vars = ["temp", "salt", "u", "v", "w", "surface_taux", "surface_tauy", "psi"] state.diagnostics["averages"].output_variables = average_vars state.diagnostics["averages"].output_frequency = 360 * 86400.0 state.diagnostics["averages"].sampling_frequency = 86400 @veros_routine def after_timestep(self, state): pass
@veros_kernel def set_forcing_kernel(state): vs = state.variables settings = state.settings year_in_seconds = 360 * 86400.0 (n1, f1), (n2, f2) =, year_in_seconds, year_in_seconds / 12.0, 12) # wind stress vs.surface_taux = f1 * vs.taux[:, :, n1] + f2 * vs.taux[:, :, n2] vs.surface_tauy = f1 * vs.tauy[:, :, n1] + f2 * vs.tauy[:, :, n2] # tke flux if settings.enable_tke: vs.forc_tke_surface = update( vs.forc_tke_surface, at[1:-1, 1:-1], npx.sqrt( (0.5 * (vs.surface_taux[1:-1, 1:-1] + vs.surface_taux[:-2, 1:-1]) / settings.rho_0) ** 2 + (0.5 * (vs.surface_tauy[1:-1, 1:-1] + vs.surface_tauy[1:-1, :-2]) / settings.rho_0) ** 2 ) ** 1.5, ) # heat flux : W/m^2 K kg/J m^3/kg = K m/s cp_0 = 3991.86795711963 sst = f1 * vs.sst_clim[:, :, n1] + f2 * vs.sst_clim[:, :, n2] qnec = f1 * vs.qnec[:, :, n1] + f2 * vs.qnec[:, :, n2] qnet = f1 * vs.qnet[:, :, n1] + f2 * vs.qnet[:, :, n2] vs.forc_temp_surface = ( (qnet + qnec * (sst - vs.temp[:, :, -1, vs.tau])) * vs.maskT[:, :, -1] / cp_0 / settings.rho_0 ) # salinity restoring t_rest = 30 * 86400.0 sss = f1 * vs.sss_clim[:, :, n1] + f2 * vs.sss_clim[:, :, n2] vs.forc_salt_surface = 1.0 / t_rest * (sss - vs.salt[:, :, -1, vs.tau]) * vs.maskT[:, :, -1] * vs.dzt[-1] # apply simple ice mask mask = npx.logical_and(vs.temp[:, :, -1, vs.tau] * vs.maskT[:, :, -1] < -1.8, vs.forc_temp_surface < 0.0) vs.forc_temp_surface = npx.where(mask, 0.0, vs.forc_temp_surface) vs.forc_salt_surface = npx.where(mask, 0.0, vs.forc_salt_surface) return KernelOutput( surface_taux=vs.surface_taux, surface_tauy=vs.surface_tauy, forc_tke_surface=vs.forc_tke_surface, forc_temp_surface=vs.forc_temp_surface, forc_salt_surface=vs.forc_salt_surface, )