Command line tools#

After installing Veros, you can call these scripts from the command line from any location on your system.


This is a wrapper script that provides easy access to all Veros command line tools.

Usage: veros [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Veros command-line tools

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  copy-setup   Copy a standard setup to another directory.
  create-mask  Creates a mask image from a given netCDF file
  resubmit     Re-run a Veros setup several times
  run          Runs a Veros setup from given file


Usage: veros create-mask [OPTIONS] INFILE

  Creates a mask image from a given netCDF file

  -v, --variable TEXT     Variable holding topography data (default: z)
  -o, --outfile TEXT      Output filename (default: topography.png)
  -s, --scale INTEGER...  Standard deviation in grid cells for Gaussian smoother
                          (default: disable smoother)
  --help                  Show this message and exit.


Usage: veros copy-setup [OPTIONS] SETUP

  Copy a standard setup to another directory.

  Available setups:


      $ veros copy-setup global_4deg --to ~/veros-setups/4deg-lowfric

  Further directories containing setup templates can be added to this command
  via the VEROS_SETUP_DIR environment variable.

  --to PATH  Target directory, must not exist (default: copy to current working
  --help     Show this message and exit.


Usage: veros resubmit [OPTIONS]

  Performs several runs of Veros back to back, using the previous run as restart

  Intended to be used with scheduling systems (e.g. SLURM or PBS).

  -i, --identifier TEXT       Base identifier of the simulation  [required]
  -n, --num-runs INTEGER      Total number of runs to execute  [required]
  -l, --length-per-run FLOAT  Length (in seconds) of each run  [required]
  -c, --veros-cmd COMMAND     The command that is used to call veros (quoted)
  --callback CMD              Command to call after each run has finished
                              (quoted, default: call self)
  --help                      Show this message and exit.


Usage: veros run [OPTIONS] SETUP_FILE

  Runs a Veros setup from given file

  -b, --backend [numpy|jax]       Backend to use for computations  [default:
  --device [cpu|gpu]              Hardware device to use (JAX backend only)
                                  [default: cpu]
  -v, --loglevel [trace|debug|info|warning|error]
                                  Log level used for output  [default: info]
  -s, --override SETTING VALUE    Override model setting, may be specified
                                  multiple times
  -p, --profile-mode              Write a performance profile for debugging
  --force-overwrite               Silently overwrite existing outputs
  --diskless-mode                 Supress all output to disk
  --float-type [float64|float32]  Floating point precision to use  [default:
  -n, --num-proc INTEGER...       Number of processes in x and y dimension
  --help                          Show this message and exit.